Thursday, November 16, 2006

National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM)

If you are a man and are not a member of this group you MUST join now! The National Coalition of Free Men is an incredible non-profit organization that addresses the active discrimination against men in society; i.e. child custody cases after divorce, domestic violence, etc.

Their journal "Transitions" is a bi-monthly journal that is worth the membership price alone. Each journal is packed with useful information and news that all men should concern themselves with. When I read my first issue roughly two years ago it was an eye opening experience to say the least. You begin to notice in the media, TV Shows and in movies the discriminatory stereotypes of men portrayed in these media genres. In movies where there is a father raising children the mother of the children is usually deceased and fathers are portrayed as being unable to do very simple things such as changing diapers.

Another aspect I noticed in TV Shows and movies was that it was essentially accepted (sometimes portrayed as funny) when a female slaps a male in the face. This is OK to society despite the fact that it is clearly domestic violence and should be treated as such. How sad! This is not right no matter what gender you are! It amazes me that some men and women believe that it is OK for a woman to slap and/or hit a man. When this occurs and is ignored or accepted or laughed at it simply extends the vicious cycle of domestic violence in our culture.

PLEASE check out this organization now at 516-82-6378 You will not regret becoming a member and the wealth of information gained far outweighs the cost of membership. This organization has actively helped with the EQUAL Parenting Bill in Michigan and this is further proof of how this organization so wisely utilizes it's resources.


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