Sunday, November 12, 2006


What an incredible election night to watch unfold! The Democrats won huge across the nation and also in Michigan. The Democrats reclaimed the House in the U.S. House and in Michigan. It is up for debate on whether the Democrats will take the U.S Senate and we may not know for some time until a recount is done in VA. We may not know the true winner until December. The victory I was very pleased to see was with Tim Walberg who will become our U.S. House Representative for District 7 in Michigan. Mr. Walberg strongly supports what common sense and all research supports; which is the best parents is BOTH fit parents. Bill Hall who ran against Mike Cox for Attorney General received over 2% of the vote which I believe is very impressive for a third party candidate and it also shows the true sentiments of Michigan voters towards Cox. If the Democrats would have put forth a stronger candidate than what they did they surely would have beaten Mike Cox. The true tragedy would be the loss of Leslie Mortimer who introduced Michigan House Bill 5267. It remains to be seen whether this loss will "kill" the bill that she so bravely introduced. Her loss is a big loss for Michigan. Her opponents use of a political ad attempting to tie Mortimer to a patient that died on Vioxx was very effective and it is a shame that Michigan voters fell for this garbage. Leslie Mortimer has and always will be a true patriot. Another tragedy was the loss of DeVos over Granholm. Michigan voters must not be the brightest having reelected Granholm to a second term! Michigan at the time of her reelection had the second highest unemployment rate in the country. Yet, Granholm was awarded for this lack of performance? This blows my mind! I was very pleased to see locally that Wenke was reelected. The reelection of Gregory Moore was also a great thing to see. It was TRULY awesome to see Prop 2 pass which essentially bans affirmative action and thus puts both genders and all races on an even playing field. More on Prop 2 later...


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