Monday, June 26, 2006

Interesting article by Kathleen Parker.

It is very important for the custodial parent to foster a relationship between the children and Non-custodial parent. An excellent example would be if mommy helped the children make a father's day card. In my situation this did not happen, thus it was further reinforced to them that daddy is not important by this very action. However, thank goodness someone else did this with them and it turned out to be the best father's day ever.

Detroit News
Kathleen Parker:
Let's not alienate parents in custody battles
Proclamations generally have the same riveting power as supermarket ribbon-cuttings, but a recent one in Maine is being celebrated as a small victory for children and noncustodial parents wounded by divorce.
The proclamation, signed by Gov. John E. Baldacci, recognized April 25 as "Parental Alienation Awareness Day."
If you don't know what "parental alienation" is, you probably haven't had the pleasure of a divorce with children. Veterans of those wars know without a governor's seal exactly what it means -- agony for a noncustodial parent and emotional problems for children alienated from one parent.
Baldacci's proclamation is noteworthy in the age of divorce because it officially recognizes Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) as a psychological condition that can have lasting consequences for children torn between battling parents in high-conflict divorces.
Given the operative words "high-conflict," one can imagine that not everyone is applauding. Although PAS would seem to affirm common sense, it is a deeply divisive and controversial idea embraced by fathers' groups and often abhorred by mothers in divorce cases.
Fathers who feel disenfranchised when courts award custody of their children to the mother during divorce have used PAS successfully to pressure judges to allow greater access to their children. One can hardly blame men for trying to be fathers.
But critics claim that abusive fathers sometimes use PAS to force access where none should be granted. Mothers claim in such cases that they're trying to protect their children, not alienate them.
This latter argument became the centerpiece last fall of a controversial PBS documentary about abused women and children, "Breaking the Silence," that fathers' groups attacked as unbalanced and unfair.
No fathers were interviewed, and the cases reviewed tended to be extreme and sensational.
Several women interviewed, for instance, said they lost custody of their children to abusive fathers (confirmed by the children themselves) when fathers used PAS to "prove" that the women were systematically teaching their children to hate their fathers.
Glenn Sacks, a radio show host and columnist, called the film a "direct assault on fatherhood" and organized a protest on his Web site. Others -- many of whom I know and respect as fellow toilers in trying to advance fatherhood -- joined in.
Sacks' campaign had an effect, and PBS ombudsman Michael Getler wrote a lengthy response agreeing that the show was unbalanced.
The focus on PAS as a tool of questionable value -- no medical or psychological group recognizes PAS as a scientifically proven "syndrome" -- makes the Maine proclamation a timely development for those who believe in its value in equalizing custody.
PAS was first identified in 1985 by psychiatrist Dr. Richard Gardner, himself a lightning rod among those who debate these issues. For years an expert witness in custody cases, Gardner (who committed a brutal suicide in 2003) has been variously hailed as hero or villain, depending on which way the court leaned.
To fathers, he was a godsend -- an advocate for protecting children from the emotional fallout of divorce and the potentially lasting damage from over-identifying with one parent while hating the other. Given that children are part of both parents, hating one parent is tantamount to hating half of oneself. Can't be good for you.
To mothers, some of whom surely were trying to protect their children, Gardner is something else. Through the years, many tried to discredit him for his self-published library and the lack of peer review for his articles. Some called his work "junk science."
But Gardner's theory has gained traction in recent years. Today, there are some 133 peer-reviewed articles about PAS and more than 65 legal citations.
While I'm in no position to argue for or against the scientific integrity of PAS, anybody old enough to drink coffee knows that embittered divorcees can and do manipulate their children. Not just women, but men, too. But because mothers more often are awarded custody of children, they more often draft their children to share their bitterness.
The biggest losers in such cases, of course, are neither the mothers nor the fathers, but the children, who deserve to have unfettered access to both parents, assuming there's no abuse, without having to tote the adults' emotional baggage.
Whether parental alienation meets the scientific standards of a "syndrome" is a battle researchers can wage among themselves. The underlying message, meanwhile, is that there needs to be a presumption of shared custody following divorce, again, assuming no abuse.
Life is alienating enough without the help of one's own parents.
Kathleen Parker writes for the Orlando Sentinel. Her column is distributed by Tribune Media Services, 435 N. Michigan, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60611. You can reach her at

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Happy father's day to all dads! To all non-custodial parents please keep up the "fight" and push hard for Michigan House Bill 5267 in Michigan. Children deserve this and we can not let a small agenda driven group trample the rights of children and parents for the sake of their gain in their gender war. I trust our elected officials are too wise to be distracted by misinformation and will publicly support Michigan House Bill 5267.

Excellent timing by Keith Butler candidate for U.S. Senate (Michigan) he signed our guestbook today and fully supports Michigan House Bill 5267. To view the guestbook:

Learn more about Mr. Butler at

We also, several days ago received a pleasant surprise with an email from yet another U.S. Senate Candidate in Michigan...

"Unfortunately, Sheriff Bouchard will not be able to attend the legislative forum to be held in the Mackinac Room of the House Office Bldg tomorrow. The Sheriff is apologetic of his absence and sends his regrets. In his absence, the Sheriff would like to convey that he is in full support of MI HB 5267. Best of luck with your forum tomorrow!"

Please check out the link below for more information on Bouchard's run for the U.S. Senate.
Bouchard for U.S. Senate

And last but not least...

We are always on the cutting edge in gaining membership and reaching out to the masses regarding Michigan House Bill 5267!

We have our parent website at

We have our own Blog obviously!

We advertise on numerous high traffic Michigan Blogs, one such example

We have several videos on YouTube now running and we are gaining more views per day!

And now we have a Squidoo Lens to reach even more voters in Michigan!

Squidoo Lens are what Blogs were 5 years ago...very cutting edge.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Video of Michigan Father riding bike from Lansing, MI to Washington, D.C. in support of Michigan House Bill 5267

A loving father! A patriot for change in Michigan's Antiquated Child Custody Laws! While many will enjoy this Father's Day weekend in the comforts of their home, this father rode from Lansing, Michigan to Washington, D.C. for a child's right to EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents. MI HB5267 248-559-DADS (3237)or Photos by Dan Diebolt.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A (UNIQUE) Child's Perspective on Michigan House Bill 5267

Watch with your speakers on! Also, please check out the other videos we have posted.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Although they would not vote directly on Michigan House Bill 5267, both fully support Michigan House Bill 5267 and state it is the right bill for kids and parents of Michigan.

For more information visit:

Guestbook posts from our parent website @

6-12-2006 Elaine and Paul Pedersen
South Bend, IN, US
Dear Ethan & Katlyn, By creating this website, your daddy has left you a message of love. It's a legacy that will always be there for you to look at someday. He also wants to help others who are struggling against unfair laws and abuse to win time with their children. His loving smiles as he watches both of you, touch the deepest part of our hearts. Our lives have been shocked with this separartion, but we believe good times will follow. We will stay in your lives because you are the sunshine and laughter in our souls. When we hold you or play with you everything becomes peaceful again in our minds. We will always love you, and we are so proud of your Daddy. Our lifetime of love, Grandma & Grandpa Pedersen

4-27-2006 Angela Keene-Kennedy, R.N.
Battle Creek, MI, US
This website is phenomenal!! Bob you have made me so proud with how you are handling all of this. You are an incredible father and it shows each and every time you are able to spend time with your children. Your children DESERVE 50% of their time to be with is their God given right! You continue to amaze me with the energy, time and love you provide to your children. The resources and information available at this site are exceedingly useful. It's your one stop shop for everyday information on today's problematic and insane practices of the Friend of the Court and issues highlighting shared parenting...and of course your updates on baseball!! Go Oakland A's! The number of people you have already reached regarding Michigan House Bill 5267 is simply astonishing. The number of national and international advocates taking interest in your website already has made me again so proud of you. I will continue to introduce new comers to this site. You are right! It IS all about the kids!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Michigan Class Action Lawsuits forming now! is the correct link to review the class action lawsuits forming in Michigan. We have received many questions about this and therefore are providing the link for it. The class action lawsuits are going to be filed against the counties within Michigan. The ICRC is implementing this in all states within the U.S.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A letter submitted to us regarding Michigan House Bill 5267

Following is a very moving letter that was graciously submitted to us for posting. Thank you so much Nicole for allowing us to post this. Your addition to this "fight" is much needed. I highlighted a portion of her letter that I thought was so very impactful with the way she worded it.

Please visit Dads and Moms of Michigan at or "Father": A Child's at for more information on Michigan House Bill 5267.

Without further delay...

Honorable John Stahl:

For three years, my son fought to remain in his children's lives -- against all odds.

Because NH, like Michigan, thinks that four days a month is adequate time for a father to do all his fathering. But what if you only got to see your kids four days a month? And the other 26 days, some other man was "fathering" them -- or not? Meanwhile, you had done nothing to harm them.

By the time it was over, my son had $110,000 worth of debt -- but he also had his kids -- two weekends out of three, alternate holidays and birthdays, two weeks in the summer, two weeks during the school year and during one of the school vacation breaks. Plus any time his ex-wife and her live-in boyfriend needed a sitter.

Was he not the same guy? If he was good enough as a father to have his children so much after he'd spent tens of thousands of dollars in the court battle, wasn't he good enough in the beginning when the court only wanted him to have them four days a month? And if he was good enough after, why deny him his children before?

Why make a father (and the children) go through a ferocious court battle to find equity at all? What is the point? Everyone gets hurt.

Think how much time was wasted -- time that could have been to the benefit of the children. How much money was wasted -- money that could have gone to pay for extra-curricular activities for the children (my granddaughter wanted to play violin) -- instead of to attorneys to file motion after motion after motion.

I'm proud of my son for hanging in there -- through all the abusiveness of the current family court system -- the false accusations -- the parental alienation -- the psychological abuse (of fathers). At the same time I am saddened by the "bad memories" my granddaughter refers to.

She's nine now -- soon to be ten. I told her the other day that I hoped I'd be there when she had children. She said "If I get married." I asked her if she wanted to get married. She said "If I find the right person. I don't want to marry the wrong person and get a divorce. That only makes for BAD MEMORIES." She started wetting the bed immediately after her parents separated -- she was four years old. The divorce took three more years out of her life. Three years of bad memories.

She recently skipped a grade in school and she is on the honor roll. She won second prize in the talent show last year and she takes medals in her gymnastics and softball events (my son coaches). And she is now learning to play the violin. But, she tells me that coming to her dad's for the weekends is what she really looks forward to.

It's time to wake up. We aren't in the last century. Fathers want to be with their children and children want to be with their fathers.

Don't let groups like NOW and DOVE put a wall between them in an effort to forward feminist causes for political reasons. Take the gender war somewhere else. Where children aren't the casualties.

Foster equity -- not animosity.

Pass HB5267 -- please.

Nicole Perry

Michigan Voter