Monday, September 25, 2006

The documentary that will change everything!

When this movie is released I am personally going to buy a copy for my son and daughter for when they grow older and are mature enough to watch this movie. This documentary will change everything!

To watch the trailers please visit:

Please buy this movie: Support System Down

Log line: A documented view of family law and the child support enforcement issues that affect American families.
Support? explores the fundamental flaws in America’s child support system. As told through over 38 interviews with both custodial and non-custodial parents, and the attorneys, judges and county employees on both sides of the paradigm, Support? gives audiences a firsthand look at parents' ongoing torment over the child support enforcement issues that affect their daily lives.
Scenes in Support? includes men and women being jailed for not paying child support orders; testimonials of judges and lawyers in the child support system who see what the affected families go through every day; dozens of stories told by non-custodial parents who are claim to be experiencing psychological and emotional trauma in not being able to see the child they are financially supporting; parents who rely on child support and are grateful for a system that helps them to raise their children; and advocates for reform, some of whom claim to have proof that a large percentage of child support proceeds collected NEVER reach the child in question.
The footage in Support? urges audiences to ask questions such as: How can the judicial system continue to charge a man with child support even when the paternity test comes back negative? Why aren't custodial parents held accountable for how their child support is spent? How accurate is DNA testing and why do courts sometimes decide not to use it? Why is the child support enforcement system, although necessary, so archaic in its laws, and what's being done to reform them? Why are non-custodial parents automatically labeled as deadbeats, jerks and losers, while stuck in a vicious cycle of arrears, incarceration, humiliation, and worst of all, loss of their relationship with their child?
As Support? follows the lives of the victims caught in this web, viewers will also see heartwarming cases where compromise has brought resolution within families - including a man who is reunited with his son after 15 years.
Support? focuses on the following four states: Texas, one of the highest collecting states; Massachusetts, for the aliens and non-U.S. citizens affected by the enforcements; California, and its focus on the military angle; and New York, for its melting pot of ethnicity.
Support? intends to be suggestive, informative, educational and relevant for the thousands of custodial and non-custodial parents who suffer emotional and financial hardships due to a child support system that is broken. Support? shows how the abuse of an already broken system is ultimately felt by and carried over to the children of our country, which the system was intended to help.
Watch as the "feminist movement" and the "men's movement" FINALLY come to an agreement on who and what they believe is behind all of this mayhem.
P.O.W...jailed in the U.S.A...Learn how our men and woman who fight and die for our freedom everyday are effected: When a man returning home after being held for months by IRAQ forces is ARRESTED and JAILED the night he gets off the plane for failure to pay.
Is this justice...or is someone else getting RICH from the misery of others?
You are the judge...Who do we really SUPPORT?

Movie Home page:
Trailers are best viewed here:

Robert Pedersen
To my son and daughter - You can always count on Daddy!


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