Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Keith Butler for U.S. Senate Supports MI HB5267

Excellent news and futher proof that there are courageous politicians that hold to a true sense of values and convictions. We were informed today that Keith Butler for U.S. Senate supports Michigan House Bill 5267. He will most likely be the candidate running against Debbie Stabenow. Thank you for your support Mr. Butler. To find out more information on Keith Butler visit www.butlerforsenate.com. As proven by the recent Detroit News Survey and the 7&4 News Poll supporting Equal Parenting is a positive thing...with over 80% in both polls supporting Equal/Shared Parenting.

To the person who posted in Lary Holland's Shoutbox

This is further proof that you are vindictive and have the maturity level of a 2 year old. You posted in Lary Holland's Shoutbox very hurtful comments. I feel sorry for you. Lary called me right away and your post was deleted. There is nothing you can say or do that will change people's opinions of me. All of us stand united. Hopefully you did more than just post in Lary's shoutbox...I am hoping you reviewed his information and learned from it. Your IP address was tracked for a slander lawsuit. Please direct your anger elsewhere....we are busy here fighting for the rights of children and all fit parents.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Michigan Class Action Lawsuits in EVERY county

Groups are currently forming in EVERY county in Michigan to prepare for the Class Action Lawsuits against every county in Michigan. This is being done by the Indiana Civil Rights Council in every state in the U.S. To join a class action lawsuit within your county please visit www.indianacrc.org and click on Class Actions, your State and then county. Lary Holland is the first person signed up in the state of Michigan...this was hardly shocking. To learn more about the incredible depth of knowledge that he has visit www.laryholland.org.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Title IV D Welfare, Lary Holland and Tim Walberg

This morning was an eye opening experience in talking with Lary Holland regarding Title IV-D Welfare (Child Support). To learn more about Title IV-D Welfare, which some refer to as Child Support please visit http://www.laryholland.org/serendipity/. It may take time for all of the information to sink in and be digested, however Mr. Holland is certainly on to (and has been) something that deserves much more attention by voters, tax payers, parents and the media.

We also received a pleasant surprise of Tim Walberg signing our guestbook. Mr. Walberg is the Candidate for U.S. Congress (MI- 7) and fully supports Michigan House Bill 5267. He is running against current U.S. Congressman Joe Schwarz. It was encouraging to receive such strong support by Mr. Walberg for parental and children rights. To learn more about Mr. Walberg's campaign and the issues he supports please visit http://www.walbergforcongress.com/

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Strategy Meeting

Strategy meeting with Darrick Scott-Farnsworth of Dads and Moms of Michigan. Phone conf. with Jim Semerad President of Dads and Moms of Michigan. Exciting things I am sure will be forth coming. Don't forget to visit our parent website at www.fatherachildsright.org.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mothers Day

Yesterday, myself and the kids, made "Mommy" her Mother's Day card. It was a lot of fun. We used the crayons and put them to work. My son did an outline of his hand and also his foot and was excited that his mom would see this. Both my son and daughter signed their names which I had to transcribe. It is hard to believe I do things like this for her after what she has put us through, however it is for the kids that I do this. It has always been about the kids for me. I want them to think the world of her, however I do not think she would ever extend the same courtesy.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Kids Mother States I Never Fought to Keep the Kids

Had another bizarre conversation with the kids mother. She tells me today that I never fought for the kids at all and that is what she will tell them as they grow up. This alone is Parental Alienation! How can she possibly perceive things this way? We have one of the thickest divorce files on record at Calhoun County. My attorney, who is one of the most respected in the community, told me that the case is considered "legendary". I did fight for the sake of my children and that is why I have more parenting time than just every other weekend. With how biased the Michigan system is towards fathers, from what I am told I did pretty well. The divorce and custody case cost myself and my family a HUGE amount of money... Enough to were someone had to pull the plug and try and make peace. A total of 5 attorneys worked on my case. I repeatedly told "Mommy" , throughout the 2 year case, that all I asked for was 50/50 Joint Physical/Legal Custody! She would never bend. I have asked her repeatedly for moving towards joint physical and she never will and the reason is she knows it is the ONLY way to hurt me. She can come up with all the crazy reasons why she will not agree but in the end I know the reason why. If I was STILL not fighting to reach out to my children and spend more time with them would I have made this website? It always will be about the kids for me and nothing more!